Esta linda historia, escrita por Linda Elovitz Marshall, nos enseña acerca de la cultura Maya, a travez de la pequeña Ixchel, que sueña con tejer hermosas y coloridas telas al lado de las mujeres de su comunidad. Con las ventas de sus artesanias, la madre de Ixchel...
I Will Be Fierce! by Bea Birdsong is a picture book bursting with color and confidence as readers follow the brave main character who, as a fearless knight, faces the courageous hero’s journey we are all too familiar with: a day at school. She dares to brave new...
Twice as Many Friends by Brian Amador is a colorful and exciting picture book paired with a catchy song celebrating the beautiful friendships and community that one is able to build in exploring other languages. In this book, we see through vibrant illustrations the...
This adorable story, written and illustrated by the talented author Ryan T. Higgins, is a laugh out loud tale about the adorable Penelope Rex, and the very important lesson for everyone starting school—we don’t eat our classmates! Part of an ongoing series, this is a...
This beautiful and rhyming story, written by Alexandra Penfold, takes us in a lovely journey through a day in school, where all children and their families are welcomed and safe to express themselves and learn from each other. With Suzanne Kaufman’s beautiful...
Esta bella y conmovedora historia, escrita por el autor Antwan Eady, nos deja entrar en el mundo del pequeño Nigel; un niño con grandes sueños que solo puede compartir con su amiga la Luna. Eady usa sus hermosas palabras para transportarnos una vez mas a cuando éramos...